Omnitex is specialised in the manufacturing of sun protection systems,creating solutions in the field of both solar screens as well as indoor and outdoor technical blinds.
About us Our products Skyline MilanoSkyline RomaWith either a manual or a motorised control unit, with a wireless or a home automation management system, there are many basic mechanical solutions available depending on the characteristics of the blind to be manufactured together with the design requirements and constraints. The Omnitex team is at complete service of designers to select systems that are most suitable for each specific project.
Solar Reflectance and brightness control, sound absorption and see-through factors are some of the aspects that we take into consideration when selecting our fabrics. According to the facade characteristics and the intended use of the premises, the choice of the fabric contributes towards the determination of the ideal lighting, heating and sound system conditions for each product.
Certified performance according to regulations, the use of recyclable materials and life-cycle analysis are some of the certifications that accompany our products. Find out how certified materials can give added value to a project.
Founded in 1985 by Gianni Colombi, Omnitex creates solutions in both fields of solar blinds and soft furnishing (decor fabrics). The business team is constantly up to date and offers all inclusive (turn-key) solutions customized and highly qualitative.
Omnitex idea of sustainability, materializes itself in a commodity which is efficient under the energetic outline, produced in a safe, comfortable and in a socially responsible manner, and that can be recycled once it has been used.
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